Contoh Cv Bahasa Inggris : Anakui

Ketika melamar pekerjaan, kamu pasti akan membuat CV (Curriculum Vitae) atau resume untuk diserahkan kepada perusahaan yang dituju. Kalau kamu menginginkan jabatan atau pekerjaan di perusahaan besar multinasional atau perusahaan asing, tentunya CV yang harus dibuat pun harus berbahasa Inggris. Sebelum melamar kerja, persiapkan CV bahasa Inggrismu. Sebagai inspirasi, kamu bisa melihat contoh CV bahasa inggris berikut.


Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris 1
Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris
Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris

Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris 2
Budiono Setiadi, ST, MBA
Personal Detail

Place and date of birth: Banjarmasin, 16 July 1989
Contact address: Ujung Berung 2A, Bandung
Mobile phone number: +62 – 856 7890 1234

Formal Education

Master of Business Administration (August 2013 – July 2015)
Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), GPA 3.83 / 4.00

Informatics Engineering Undergraduate Student (2008 – April 2013)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), GPA 3.44 / 4.00

Organisational Experiences

Himpunan Mahasiswa Informatika (HMIF), ITB
President (Ketua Umum) (2011 – 2012)
Head of External Relationship (2010-2011)

Working Experiences

System Analyst & Software Engineer at Xtremax Pte Ltd (January 2015 – present)
Founder & Owner at Ayam Bakar Mas Modol (Culinary Business) (March 2014 – present)
System & Business Analyst at PT. Bravo Idola Nusantara (July – December 2014)
Analyst at LAPI ITB (IT Governance MTI Project) (September – December 2013)
Professional Projects

Analysis Information System Grand Design, LIPI Jawa Barat (2011)
Analysis and Design IT Governance, PT. XYZ (2013)
Develop e-card Animation multi-platform, PT. Proteksindo (2013 – 2014)
Analysis “GIS Peta Bahasa” (August 2014)
Analysis and Design “Network Monitoring System”, PT BIN (September – December 2014)
Analysis and Design “Cloud Payroll System”, PT BIN (August – September 2014)

Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris 3
Indah Swastika
(+62) 815-6789-0123


Looking for a Certified Medical Assistant position where I can use my experience and aptitudes in a group based environment.

Summary of Skills

Certified Medical Assistant who is knowledgeable about a restorative office and pediatric inpatient setting
Knowledgeable in utilizing a PC, scanner, printer, phone, fax and copier
Excellent customer service and communication skills for interacting with patients, staff, and the general public.
Proficient in taking blood, and performing injections and immunizations of patients as required.
Work Experience
Certified Medical Assistant, Jakarta Eyes Center, Jakarta. August 2007 to present

Obtain insurance information, referrals, and precertification for testing.
Track patient information and lab data and enter into electronic medical record.
Prepare patients for their visit.
Obtain and record patients’ vital signs.
Certified Medical Assistant, Jakarta Diabetes Center, Jakarta. May 2002 to July 2007

Collected and documented patient information.
Assisted with phone calls and messages and documented all calls.
Participated in the monitoring of patients with chronic disease.
Served as an associate on a interdisciplinary committee to facilitate care.
Provided assistance to RN in coordination and completion of patient care plan.
Bachelor’s Degree in Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia

Available upon request


Hal terpenting dalam membuat CV, adalah data diri yang lengkap dan pengalamanmu dalam pekerjaan yang kamu incar. Hati-hati dalam membuat CV berbahasa Inggris, perhatikan tata bahasamu, jangan sampai typo alias typing error.

Agar CV mu terlihat menarik, desain lah berdasarkan warna dan tata letak. Walaupun perusahaan yang kamu tuju bukan perusahaan desain grafis atau tidak mementingkan seni. Tapi, tunjukan bahwa kamu orang yang kreatif. Contoh CV yang kreatif bisa dilihat di artikel sebelumnya.

Contoh CV bahasa Inggris yang selanjutnya, yaitu untuk fresh graduate:


Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris untuk Fresh Graduate
Anindita Mardiani
(+62)-813-4567-8901 |


To obtain an internship to enhance my skills in the field of community services.


Bachelor of Science, Expected Graduation – June 2016
Faculty of Math & Science, University of Indonesia

Qualifications Summary

Ability to write and proofread various types of documents.
Ability to settle in a working environment as per required.
Excellent communication skill.
Experience in the field of fundraising.
Computer Skills

Experience with both PC and Macintosh Computers.
Proficient in Microsoft office and Internet handling.
Leadership Experience

Volunteer Coordinator, Sejiwa Foundation (2014 – 2015)
Have led group discussions on various social issues
Initiated a campaign to help marginal people in remote areas to make them aware of the importance of higher education.
Head of Sponsorship Division, Jazz Goes to Campus Event (2014)
Successfully fundraised IDR 100 M from various sponsors
Volunteer, The First Computer Camp for The Blind (2013)
Volunteering in an event targeted for the blind
Organizational Experience

Head of Community Development, Student Board of Faculty of Math & Science, University of Indonesia (2014 – 2015)
Member of Community Development, Student Board of Faculty of Math & Science, University of Indonesia (2013 – 2014)

Siapa bilang kalau fresh graduate akan susah cari kerja? Kalau kamu bisa memastikan pengalaman organisasi dan kemampuanmu, pasti CV-mu akan dipercaya perusahaan. Apa lagi jika kemampuan bahasa asing-mu bagus. Siapa tahu ada perusahaan asing yang kecantol.


Download CV Bahasa Inggris Bentuk PDF atau Microsoft Word DOC
Ingin punya template CV bahasa inggris yang langsung kamu bisa edit? Download saja beberapa template keren berbentuk PDF atau DOC di sini:

download contoh CV bahasa inggris doc 207-Out-Front
download contoh CV bahasa inggris doc 207-Out-Front
download contoh CV bahasa inggris doc 231-Refined
download contoh CV bahasa inggris doc 231-Refined
download contoh CV bahasa inggris doc 143-Icon-Fun
download contoh CV bahasa inggris doc 143-Icon-Fun

Jadi, apa masih ada kesulitan dalam membuat CV berbahasa Inggris? Banyak sekali template atau contoh CV berbahasa Inggris, dan ternyata, membuatnya hanya butuh waktu beberapa menit. Tidak perlu kemampuan bahasa yang super, kamu hanya perlu mengasah bahasa Inggris dasarmu. Selamat melamar!

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